Educational program of «Design and Technology» +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

History of the educational program «Design and Technology»

Welcome to the page of the Educational program of «Design and Technology» of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University!

Achievements and awards
-According to the results of the National Ranking of demand for universities in 2020, conducted by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (NAAR), the best universities in Kazakhstan have been identified. Thirteen educational programs of the university were among the top three, among them: Master's degree: group of educational programs M007 - training of teachers of artistic work, graphics and design - 1st place
- Educational program "6B02132 Design (graphic design)" based on the results of the rating of NCE "Atameken". In 2020 - 2nd place, in 2021-3rd place.
-Undergraduates of the PO-17-3m group Abilkasimov O. A., undergraduates of the PO-17-1m group Abutalip A. A., PO-16-1m Akhmetova G. Ya. At the republican competition for the best scientific work of undergraduates of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in vocational training (artistic work and special disciplines) 7M01409 Took 1st place. (M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University). (Diploma of the Minister of Education and Science, I degree, 2018
- Student of the PO – 15-1 group Nurlybai Nazerke 6B01409 training of teachers of art work and drawing (5B012000-vocational training) in 2018 took the II place in the republican competition for the best scientific work of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana (diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of the II degree).
- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist of the Office of Commercialization and Technology Transfer of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University with a patent for industrial model No. 2882 "Women's coat with national ornament" Lyazzat Shildebayeva 6M012000 – Master of the University of Sermakhanov Rinat Nurlibekuly, who graduated from the specialty "vocational training (by industry)", became the winner of the republican contest of inventors "Shapagat" among citizens who have achieved success in the field of inventors, organized by the republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "National Institute of Intellectual Property" of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking first place among more than forty applicants all over the country.
-In 2019, for the great contribution of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the development of the country's higher education system and fruitful administrative and managerial work, Smailova Zh. Zh. was awarded the title of "Best Manager" and a certificate in the field of higher and postgraduate education and a badge
- Shildebayeva L. K. on behalf of the President of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alshanova R. A. was awarded the title "The best teacher in the field of higher and postgraduate education " For her great contribution to the development of the country's higher education system and selfless work in training highly qualified specialists.
- Shildebayeva L. K. was awarded the nomination "Creative teacher" at the competition "Choice of the Year - 2019" from the Department of Education of the Kyzylorda region and the trade union Committee of the Kyzylorda region.
- In December 2019, Shildebayeva L. K. was elected a member of the republican public association "Kazakhstan Union of Designers" in Almaty based on the results of creative work in the country.
- As a result of creative and accomplished work, in December 2019, Shildebayeva L. K. was elected a member of the republican public association "Kazakhstan Union of Designers" in Almaty.

501.png Smailova Zhuldyz Zholdasovna                          

Head of the educational program, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences


 telephone.png    8 701 058 8868        


Educational program of «Design and Technology»

>  The Educational program of  «Design and Technology» trains specialists in the following educational programs:
Bachelor course
6B01409 -  «Training of teachers of art work and drawing»; Educational trajectory No. 1: Art work and special disciplines; Educational trajectory No.2: Visual art, art work, graphics and design; Minor program: Fundamentals of Design
6B02132 -  «Design»; Educational trajectory No. 1: Graphic Design; Educational trajectory No. 2: Costume Design ; Minor program: Artistic work
6B02131 - «Decorative and applied arts»
6B07260 -  «Technology of food products»
Master's degree
7M01409 -  «Vocational training» (Artistic work and special disciplines)";
Group of the educational program: B007-training of teachers of art work and drawing
Name of the educational program: 6B01409-Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing; Educational trajectory No. 1: Artistic work and special disciplines; Educational trajectory No.2: Visual art, art work, graphics and design; Minor program: Fundamentals of Design
The training period is 4 years.
Awarded academic degree: "Bachelor" in the EP "Vocational training (Artistic work and special disciplines)"
Field of activity: training of highly qualified teachers of special and general technical disciplines and teachers of art work with high social and civic responsibility./ 6B01408-the main purpose of the educational program visual art, art work, graphics and design: training of teachers of art work, graphics and design, art critic, teachers of additional art education with a high level of social and civic responsibility; head (head) of the art and educational production workshop; professional artists and artisans in all fields.
Future profession: teacher of "Artistic labor" in secondary schools, teacher of special disciplines in institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education, master of industrial training, teacher of specialized education in specialized schools; teacher of advanced training centers; businessman –entrepreneur organizing educational activities; teacher of educational institutions working under a paid program of additional education; centers for advanced training and retraining of workers and specialists who ensure the implementation of entrepreneurial activities in the service sector of the country's economy (catering, clothing production, manufacture of wood and furniture, decorative and applied arts-gift production, fashion design)./ Training of teachers of fine arts, graphics and design with high-quality education in the subject area; analytical, research and language skills; the ability to further self-education and improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities; leadership qualities and innovative thinking.
Group of the educational program: B031-fashion, interior design and industrial design
Name of the educational program: 6B02132-Design; Educational trajectory No. 1: Graphic Design; Educational trajectory No. 2: Costume Design; Minor program: Artistic work.
The training period is 5 years.
Academic degree awarded: Bachelor of Arts in the Educational trajectory of Graphic Design / Bachelor of Arts in the educational trajectory of Costume Design.
Future profession: preparation of a graduate for design and artistic activity in the field of modern design and construction and finishing production, capable of creating design projects in various fields that meet aesthetic, technical, environmental requirements. Technician of the first degree, junior researchers, laboratory engineer, engineers of research, design and design institutions, holding other positions in design and design institutions (enterprise, organization)./ Samples of everyday and special clothing, group types of sewing products, accessories, stage costumes and elements of applied art products.
Field of activity: Bachelor of Arts in graphic design specialization carries out his professional activity in the field of design in printing houses and photo salons, architectural, construction design centers that perform work on the design and decoration, advertising of industrial and household items./ Production, i.e. in institutions that perform work on the design and decoration of garments (everyday, special, scenic clothing) and household items; in fashion houses and design centers corresponding to the profession.
Name of the educational program: 6B02131- "Decorative and applied art"
The training period is 5 years.
Awarded academic degree: 6B02131 - "Bachelor of Arts" in the OP "Decorative and Applied Arts".
Future profession: it is associated with decorative and applied arts and folk crafts and is prepared to fulfill the achievements of decorative and applied arts, creative activities aimed at artistic design, construction, technological and aesthetic perfection and the creation of unique objects and high-quality products; - spheres of culture, art, education, creative workshops, manufacturing enterprises, firms, etc..
Field of activity: traditional art production, small and medium-sized enterprises, medium-sized businesses; creative workshops and studios; - design firms and craft enterprises; - museums, art schools, art schools, other institutions of additional education, general education institutions, colleges; - exhibitions and fairs of decorative and applied art, art salons.
Group of the educational program: B068 – Food production
Name of the educational program: 6B07260 – Technology of food products; Educational trajectory No. 1 Technology of milk and dairy products; Educational trajectory No. 2 Technology of bread, pasta and confectionery; Minor program: Technology of public catering.
The is training period is 4 years.
Academic degree awarded: Bachelor's Degree in Food Technology
Field of activity: "Technology of food products" are the branches of the food industry (dairy, meat, bakery, pasta, confectionery, etc.), design, research organizations, enterprises of various forms and types of ownership./The main purpose of the educational program is food technology – 6B07260 training of highly qualified personnel for dairy, bakery, pasta, confectionery and food industry and catering industries with professional and social competencies that meet the requirements of the modern economy and labor market.
Future profession: technologist of enterprises; master of processing enterprises of various forms of ownership; businessman – entrepreneur organizing production activities; technician-technologist of a production laboratory; specialist (laboratory assistant) in research institutes and universities; specialist of standardization and certification centers. /Training of technologists of dairy, bakery, confectionery production, analytical, research and language skills; the ability to further self-education and improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities; leadership qualities and innovative thinking.

Teaching staff

Smailova Zhuldyz Zholdasovna

  • Function: Head of the educational program, professor, candidate of technical sciences
  • Information

Shildebayeva Lyazzat Kadyrbekovna

  • Function: Ph. D. Acting associate Professor, Ph. D.
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Koshkarova Sholpan Zakirovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
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Zhunisova Asiya Talgatovna

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Baimbetov Zholdas Asylbekovich

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Аlаidarova Aidana Alaidarovna

Makashev Yerkin Prmaganbetovich

  • Function: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Yeraliyeva Saule Zhanabergenovna

  • Function: Senior lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences
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Sultanbekkyzy Albina

  • Function: Lecture, master of in technical sciences
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Temirbekkyzy Aruzhan

  • Function: Lecturer, master of Technical Sciences
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Sarsenbaeva Zukhra Talgatovna

  • Function: Lecturer, master of technical sciences
  • Information

Material and technical base of the educational program «Design and Technology»

«Киімді құрастыру және жобалау» оқу шеберханасы

Admission committee of the educational program «Design and Technology»

Bachelor course: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Master's and doctoral studies: 

Address: Kyzylorda, 15 Nazarbayev Ave. (Abai 66a) academic building No. 5

Phone number: 8(7242) 23-53-92, 8 776 538 88 99

Reception time 
Monday-Friday. 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday 

korkyt_ata_university - Instagram applicants have access to additional information about admission to Korkyt Ata University.

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