6В02326 - Kazakh philology
ksu@korkyt.kz +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

6В02326 - Kazakh philology

Institute  Institute of  humanitarian and pedagogy (IHP) 
Department Kazakh language and literature and journalism 
Group of educational programs  В037 Philology
Name 6В02336 - Kazakh philology
Accreditation Certificate
Type of EP Main
The purpose of the educational program The goal is the training of professional specialists who have mastered fundamental knowledge in the field of  Philology, mastered modern scientific concepts of linguistics and problems of artistic and aesthetic development of literature.
Level of education Bachelor's degree (Higher)
Types of professional activity -teaching the Kazakh language and literature in general secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, secondary education institutions; -organization of educational and methodical process in educational institutions; -editing of printed materials; -research activities in the field of linguistics, literary criticism, folklore and textology; -clerk in state bodies enterprises and industries; -educational work in culture; -translated work; -carrying out professional activities requiring philological knowledge in the fields of education, culture, management, media, intercultural communication and other areas of social and humanitarian activities.
Objects of professional activity MOrganization of work on training and education of students; organization of research work within the educational process of the university; organization of research work in research institutes; provision of support for innovative processes in education management by authorized and local executive bodies.
Program features Secondary and specialized educational institutions, research institutions, mass media and printing houses, government agencies, enterprises and industries.
Form of study Full-time 
Form of study The term of study with a period of mastering 240 academic credits for the entire period of study and 60 academic credits for the academic year is determined. Accordingly, the training period is 4 years.  In the academic year, a student is allowed to master a more or less significant number of academic credits, and the duration of study increases or decreases.
Language of education Kazakh
Credits/hours 240/7200 
Requirements for students higher education; general secondary education
Graduate Model Download
Educational program development plan for 2023-2027 Download
Program Manager Almautova Asiya Bazarbayevna

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