Anipa Tapalova
- Function: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
In 1970 she entered the Faculty of Chemistry of the Kazakh State University. S. M. Kirov, and in 1975 she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry. She graduated from the university with a degree in chemistry teacher.
In 1975-1990 she worked as a teacher at the Kyzylorda Medical School.
Since 1990, she worked as a senior teacher, associate professor at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, and since December 2008 as an academic professor.
In 1999 she defended her dissertation at the Chemical Institute. A.B. Bekturova on the topic “Development of technological foundations for the production of zinc-containing silicopolyphosphates that inhibit steel corrosion”, Candidate of Technical Sciences in Technology of Inorganic Substances (PhD).
In 2003, by the decision of the Academic Council of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to protocol No. 3 of December 2, 2003, was awarded the title of academic associate professor of the department of chemistry and chemical technology.
In 2006, by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 1 (protocol No. 10), he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty of Chemical Technology (associate professor of Chemical technology).
In 2008, by the decision of the Academic Council of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to Protocol No. 3 of December 11, 2008, was awarded the title of academic professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.
On September 29, 2009, he was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. (MANPO Russia. Moscow).
Domestic (KRBN) publications
1. Introduction to the composition, structure and properties of polymer phosphates. Selected works of the “International Symposium dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding chemist, academician Abiken Bekturovich Bekturov.” Selected works of the publishing house IHN named after. A. B. Bekturova pp. 339-351, 2002
2. Environmental overload and desertification of the territory of a river oil and gas field. Journal of Oil and Gas, 2004, No. 2, pp. 24-27.
3. Technogenosis and problems of pollution and cleanup of oil-contaminated soils in Western Kazakhstan. Journal "Hydrometeorology and Ecology", 2005, No. 1, pp. 63-65.
4. Ecological state of the island and desertification processes. International scientific and technical development of the oil and gas complex “Scientific Nadirov Readings”, Almaty-Atyrau, pp. 377-380.
5. Soil-ecological state of the Kazakh part of the Ustyurt plateau. "Hydrometeorology and Ecology", No. 4, 2005, p. 158-167.
6. Problems of environmental pollution in the Caspian oil and gas zone. "Hydrometeorology and ecology." No. 1, 2006, pp. 50-60.
7. Synthesis of silicopolyphosphate sorbents based on Sao•2.7 SiO2-Mg (H2PO4). Bulletin of the NAS RK. "Chemical Series". 2006, no. 6.
8. Use of synthetic aluminosilicopolyphosphate sorbents for the purification of wastewater from oil fields. Bulletin of the NAS RK. Chemical Series No. 1 (45) 2007 p. 118-120.
9. Synthesis and properties of aluminum-silico-polyphosphate compounds. XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry. “Chemistry of materials, nanostructures and nanotechnology.” Collection. Moscow. 2007. P. 504.
10. Study of technological characteristics of contaminated soils. I International Conference of the Russian Chemical Society named after. D.I. Mendeleev is dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of D.I. Mendeleev. Moscow. Collection of works. 2009. pp. 112-113.
11. Application of aluminum-polyphosphate sorbents for water purification from oil products. International Sustainable World (Energy Engineering & Environment" Project Olympiad. Houston, Texas, USA, 2009, April 21-25, 2009.
12. Synthesis of silicopolyphosphate sorbents and their use for purifying water from heavy metals. Science project. MOSTRATEC Brazil Novo-Hamburg. October 27-31, 2009
13. Microorganisms are substances that destroy oil in soil and water pools. XLVIII International Scientific and Student Conference "Student and Scientific and Technical Progress". April 10-14, 2010 Novosibirsk city
14. Study of the process of sorption of iron and silicophosphate ions by sorbents. At Al-Farabi. KAZNU Bulletin, chemistry series. No. 4. 2011
15. Gillespie's theory determines the direction of chemical bonds in negisin. Materials of the 1st Congress of Chemistry and Biology Teachers. Ust-Kamenogorsk. 2012
16. Development of analytical thinking of students in lessons of qualitative analysis of substance content. Materials of the 1st Congress of Chemistry and Biology Teachers. Ust-Kamenogorsk. 2012
17. The role of educational and developmental potential of chemical science. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Herald. Educational Sciences Series. No. 1 (37), 2013
18. Assessment of the sanitary-ecological installation in the Kumkol district. Environmental problems of industrial cities. 6th All-Russian scientific and practical conference with an international section. Saratov. 2013 pp. 287-289.
19. The main direction in teaching chemistry is teaching competency-based approaches. Collection of materials of the 44th scientific and methodological conference “Competency-oriented system for assessing knowledge” // Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, January 16-17, 2014
20. Problems of pollution and problems of oil-contaminated causes in the Caspian region. Science and education in a modern competitive environment (material of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ufa, February 15-16, 2014).
21. Teaching chemistry in competency-based ways. Bulletin of the Abai Kazakh National University 2015 series “Pedagogical Sciences”, No. 1 (45), 2015.
22. Microwave activation in the synthesis of propyl acetate. International scientific conference “Modern Science-2015” Russia, Moscow, January 29-30, 2015
23. Interrelation and continuity of middle and high schools in vocational guidance and training of students. 1st Republican Annual Conference of Teachers and Lecturers “Integration of School-College-University Activities in the Conditions of Dual-Oriented Education” Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Almaty. May 12-13, 2016
24. Peculiarities of multilingual teaching in pedagogical education. Integration of the scientific community into the global challenges of our time": materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Osaka, Japan, March 7-9, 2017. 11
25. “Promotion of conscious activity focused on understanding the integration of the scientific community with the global challenges of our time” Osaka, Japan, March 7-9, 2017
Foreign publications
1. New data on the ecology of the Northern Aral Sea after the construction of the first Kokaral dam on the Berg Strait. Life Science Journal 2014, 11(5) pp. 296-299 (ISSN:1097-8135)., (ISSN: 1097-8135) Thomson Reuters.
2. “Study of oil destruction during the development of organomineral studies of oil-contaminated soil” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Series chemistry and technology. July August. (4) 2014
3. Use of unorganized sorbents in wastewater treatment in the oil industry. Young scientist monthly scientific magazine No. 4, 2014. P. 61
4. Professional competence is the basis for personality formation. Daily scientific journal No. 1 (81.1), 2015.
5. Predicting the direction of reactions by comparing the electrode potentials of redox systems daily scientific journal No. 1 (81.1), 2015.
1. Espenbetova Sh. O. Kozhageldieva G. T. Alibekova A. T. Applied chemical experiments in inorganic chemistry courses in high school Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu" Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan Al Kazakh National University -Farabi “Modernization of natural science education in conditions of updated content” materials of the international scientific and practical conference March 2-3, 2017.
2. Microwave activation of addition of 1-hexeneand butanoic acid reaction. Thomson Reuters October 2018. NEWS OF NAS RK. Series Chemistry and technology. No. 1, Almaty, 2018
3. V. Galkinaa, V.V. Andriyashkina, S.R. Romanova, B.B. Abzhalelovb, S.Zh. Kuzhamberdievab, A.S. Topalovab, I.A. Litvinovc, and Yu.V. Bakhtiyarovaa Synthesis, Structure of Phosphorylated Sterically Hindered Methylene Quinones and Ylides Thereof. ISSN 1070-4280, Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022, Vol. 58, No. 8.
4. Arynova K.Sh., Kozhageldieva G.T. In a school chemistry course - the concepts of acids and bases
5. Tapalova A.S., Abyzbekova G.M., Espenbetova Sh.O., Arynova K.Sh. Flocculation of bentonite clay suspension with surfactant polymers. Bulletin of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata. No. 1 (56) 2021, pp. 116-124
6. Abyzbekova G.M., Ongar D.K., Tapalova A.S., Espenbetova S.O., Arynova K.Sh., Balykbaeva G.T.. Green chemistry is the key to sustainable development. Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, No. 2 (57), 2021, 100-105 rub.
7. Balykbaeva G.T., Tapalova A.S., Abyzbekova G.M., Espenbetova Sh.O., Arynova K.Sh. “Inorganic chemistry problem-based learning.” Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. No. 3 (57), 2021, 63-73 r.
8. Patent Galkina I.V., Abzhalelov B.B., Kuzhamberdieva S.Zh., Kosanov S.U., Abyzbekova G.M., Appazov N.O., Tapalova A.S., Balykbaeva G.T. , Espenbetova S.O., Arynova K.Sh.. Anti-inflammatory eye drops for domestic and farm animals
Educational and teaching aids:
1. Quantitative analysis workshop. Tutorial. Astana, 2006 ed. "Saryarka". 6.75 p.l.
2. Inorganic chemistry. Reports and exercises. Tutorial. Astana, 2008, BU "Saryarka". 11.5 p.l.
3. Theoretical foundations of inorganic chemistry. Training and metodology complex. Astana, 2008, BU "Saryarka". 13 p.l.
4. Workshop on general and inorganic chemistry. Tutorial. Astana, 2009, Publishing House "Saryarka". 20 p.l.
5. Chemistry of elements. Training and metodology complex. Ed. “Saryarka”, Astana, 2009 20 p.l.
6. Analytical chemistry. Quantitative analysis. Training and metodology complex. BU "Saryarka", Astana, 2009, 12 pp.
7. Inorganic chemistry. Reports and exercises. Tutorial. “Saryarka”, Astana 2009 2nd edition. 11.5 p.l.
8. Main classes of inorganic compounds. Training and metodology complex. "Saryarka". Astana, 2011, 15 pp.
9. Theoretical foundations of inorganic chemistry. Training and metodology complex. “Saryarka”, Astana 2011, 13.5 pp.
10. Chemistry of elements. Reports and exercises. Tutorial. "Saryarka". Astana 2012, 12.5 p.l.
11. “Interesting experiments in chemistry” Educational and methodological manual. 6.7 p.l. Reviewed and submitted for publication at the expert council of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers in the Kyzylorda Region (protocol No. 4) of the branch of the joint stock company “National Center for Advanced Training” Orleu” dated April 13, 2017. ISBN 978-601-275-448-3.
12. Workshop on general and inorganic chemistry. A textbook recommended by the Academic Council for higher educational institutions. MON. 21.64 pp. 2020, Astana. Foliot publishing house.
13. Inorganic chemistry. Theory and tasks. A textbook recommended by the Academic Council for students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science. 27.64 p.l. 2020, Astana. Foliot publishing house.
1. Modern methods of analysis, KSU named after. Korkyt Ata, Kyzylorda 11/26-11/30/2009 Certificate No. 129
2. Chemical, chromatographic examination using the ASTMD method using a Varian 450GC gas chromatograph and an Agilent 7890/5975 chromotomass spectrometer. Faculty of advanced training of specialists and distance learning of KSU named after. Korkyt Ata. Kyzylorda, 2009 Certificate series K, No. 00680
3. IR spectrometer, IR-Prestige-21 from Shimadzu. Analit Products LLC General distributor of Shimadzu. Saint Petersburg. Certificate dated December 9-12, 2009.
4. EUROSPEAK Diploma in English as a Foreign Language certified by Eurospeak language school, United Kingdom from 4th April 2013 to 3rd July, 2013.
1. Inhibition of internal corrosion of steel pipes with inorganic polymer phosphates. Collection. Publishing house "Taraz", 1997. M., Co-author: Kalmaganbetov R. B.
2. Ecology of the crisis territory of the Aral Sea region. Problems and their solutions. Almaty, 2003 106 P. 6.5 pp. Co-author: Faizov K. Sh.
3. Biological and hygienic role of cadmium and arsenic (ecological aspects). Publishing house. Printing house "Evero". 6.8 pp., Almaty, 2004.
4. Chemical and environmental consequences of the impact on the environment of heavy oils from the Ozen field. Computer and Publishing Center NGO "School of the XXI Century", Almaty, 2004. 7.25 pp. Co-authors: Zhusupbekov O. Faizov K.
5. Environmental issues of traction oil deposits. Monograph. Ed. Print-S Almaty 2010 ISBN 9965-877-19-Х. 10 pp. Co-authors: B.K. Nurabaev., E.A. Tusupkaliev., E.R. Serikbaev
6. Revival of the Aral Sea region. Monograph. Akmeshit. 13 p.l., Kyzylorda. 2015. Co-authors: Nurgizarynov A. M. Sharipova A. S.
7. Multienzyme biosensors based on polymer nanomaterials. Monograph. 9.1 pp., printing house “Zhienay” Kyzylorda, 2020. Co-authors: Ibadullaeva S.Zh., Appazov N.O., Akylbekov N.I., Zhapparbergenov R.U.
1. For special services in the field of education in 2008, he was awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Certificate No. 01222 / 1. For special services in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (certificate No. 01222) on February 20, 2008.
2. for educational, methodological, scientific and pedagogical achievements, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was recognized as the owner of the 2008 state grant “Best University Teacher”. Order No. 68 of February 18, 2009./Awarded the title “Best University Teacher” in 2008. Order No. 68 of the Minister of Education and Science Zh. Tuimebaev dated February 18, 2009.
3. Awarded the “Y. Altynsarin” badge for significant success in training and educating the younger generation. Certificate No. 454 (2010)
4. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the National Academy of Education. October 2, 2009 Astana.
5. Letter of gratitude from the Kazakh-Turkish lyceums of the International Public Fund KATEV No. 201/12-701 dated March 6, 2010.
6. Mendeleev Medal “For Merit in Chemistry” 2014. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Akim of the Kyzylorda Region. 2015
7. Based on the results of the 2013-2014 academic year, Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata was awarded the title “Best Teacher”. Certificate No. 3
8. Awarded the Korkyt Ata medal. Certificate No. 1539
9. For outstanding achievements in the training and education of the younger generation, she was awarded the “Y. Altynsarin” badge (advertisement No. 454) on May 20, 2010.
10. Medal "Best Teacher" KSU named after. Korkyt Ata based on the results of the 2011-2012-2013-14-15 academic year;
11. Jubilee medal of the 75th anniversary of the university for significant contribution to the development of KSU named after. Korkyt Ata (2012);
12. Medal named after. D. I. Mendeleev “For merits in chemistry” against the international background of Peace and Harmony of the CIS countries (2013).
13. Letter of gratitude for active participation in the organization and conduct of the VI Republican Subject Olympiad for students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in chemistry, held at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Rector of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University D. Zh. Nuketaeva (2014);
14. Letter of gratitude for participation in the VIII Republican Subject Olympiad for students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5B011200-"Chemistry". Kostanay city (2015);
15. Letter of gratitude for contribution to the education of modern, competitive, intelligent, thinking youth, development of the quality of education. Deputy Head of Department R. Chagai (2015);
16. For his special contribution to the socio-economic development of the region, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Kyzylorda region. Akim of the Kyzylorda region K. Kusherbaev, secretary of the Kyzylorda regional maslikhat A. Alnazarova (2015)
17. Jubilee medal of the 80th anniversary of the university for significant contribution to the development of KSU named after. Korkyt Ata (2017).