Young Lawyers club +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Young Lawyers club


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- To support the student's research activities in social and applied internships and promote their efforts;
- To assist in improving the professional level of students;
- To develop the scientific potential and realize the creative opportunities of students;
- To promote the scientific knowledge and modern achievements of science.



Zhumagulova Sholpan Rustemovna

Head of the club, Candidate of Legal Sciencesы 


Orynbasar Nursaya

 Chairman of the club


Tolebay Inkar

 Secretary of the club

Email address:
Social network: zhas__zanger

«Youth and the law: the importance of legal education» intellectual and cognitive competition

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Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Zhusupbekova Madina Koishybaykyzy
More than 70 students took part in the Conference, 6 students from Turan University (Almaty) attended and won prizes. The conference consisted of 4 sections. Each section was judged by a jury.
Conference dedicated to Independence Day "New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization. Fair Kazakhstan"
Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Matayev Mustafa Matayevich "New Kazakhstan: current trends in the development of legal, economic and social systems of the state" republican scientific and practical conference among students
XXV scientific conference "Digital transformation of Science and education towards sustainable and innovative development”
Location: "Dilmash" Student Dormitory Round Table Discussion on "Knowing the Law is a Requirement of the Time" .
Objectives: To increase the responsibility to the law by testing students' legal knowledge, to win by finding an effective way to be organized and disciplined in critical moments, to instill the ability to set goals.
"One-Day Voting" Role-Playing Game for the Election of Mazhilis and Maslikhat Deputies
"Zan Zangarlary” an intra-university scientific and educational competition among students studying in the educational programs in the field of "Law".
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