Work schedule +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Work schedule

    Reception time

     Monday-Friday.- from 9:00 to 18:00.

     Days off: Saturday, Sunday


* Competition for awarding educational grants at the expense of the republican budget 

- The possibility of submitting applications for a grant competition - from July 13 to July 20 

- Results of the contest -from August 1 to August 10 

* The time of admission to reduced post-college education and paid tuition for the second higher education 

- From June 20 to August 25 

- Enrollment is carried out in the interview format. Applicants wishing to enroll in another specialty after college are required to pass the UNT.

Note: for the two specified types of training in the period from August 1 to August 25, it is best to submit documents.


(Technical secretaries of the admissions committee for the 2024-2025 academic year)

Executive Secretary of the admissions committee - Edilbayev Nurzhan Baskoskanuly


+7 778 609 65 98

Deputy Executive Secretary of the admissions committee 


Nurzhan Suleimenov - 8 775 830 82 83

Bimakhanov Talant - 8 705 222 41 01

Deadlines for accepting documents (applications) from applicants and conducting entrance exams


Category of applicants Category of applicants Dates of the event Responsible performers
Admission to study on a fee-based basis in bachelor's degree programs (full and reduced term of study) June 20 - August 25 August 25 preparation of the draft order Admission Committee
Creative exam for groups of higher education educational programs that require creative training


June 20 - July 7 (based on the grant)

June 20 - August 10 (on a paid basis)



July 7 - July 12 (on a grant and fee basis)

August 10 - August 15 (on a paid basis)



The Examination Board

Admission Committee


A special exam for the educational program "Pedagogical Sciences"


June 20 - July 12 (based on the grant)

June 20 -20 August (on a paid basis)



June 20 - July 12 (based on grant and fee)

August 05 - August 20 (on a paid basis)



The Examination Board

Admission Committee

Heads of pedagogical educational programs


Competition for the award of educational grants at the expense of the republican budget July 13 - July 20 July 21 - July 30


Admission Committee

Recruitment and Career Management

The heads of the OP


An entrance exam conducted for admission on a fee-based basis for a shortened period of study based on technical and vocational, after secondary or higher education June 20 - August 25 June 20 - August 25


The Examination Board

Admission Committee

The heads of the OP


Admission to the Master's program (comprehensive testing)


1) June 1 - July 08

2) October 28 - November 10



1) July 20- August 10

2) November 18 - December 11



Regional State Commission

Admission Committee


Admission to graduate school (entrance exam)


1) July - August 3

2) October 25 - November 10



1) August 04 - August 20 

2) November 18 - December 11



Regional State Commission

Admission Committee


Enrollment of students to study on a grant and fee basis in undergraduate educational programs June 20-August 25 25 preparation of the draft order by August Admission Committee
Enrollment of students in Master's and doctoral degree programs


August 15 - August 28

December 26 - January 10


Preparation of the draft order by August 28 and January 10 Admission Committee


According to a special pedagogical exam

Muidenova Aliya Kalzhanovna - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 771 693 76 47 , 8 701 477 35 76


Tleulu Al-Farabi Maratbekovich - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 747 673 06 46

For admission to tuition on a paid basis for a shortened period of study based on technical and vocational, post-secondary or higher education

Alimbetov AskAt Shyngysbaevich - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 747 177 47 57


In the specialties of physical education teacher training and initial military training

Majoring in Journalism and Reporting, music teacher training, performing arts (traditional musical art) 

Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing, in the fields of fashion, design, Choreography


Kenzhalieva Bakhytkul Turebaevna - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 777 242 78 08


Саниязова Еркемай Қазбекқызы - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 705 888 59 52

Master's Degree in admission to study



Arystanbek Abay Ruslanovich  - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 700 630 18 58


Omirzak Zhanabek Maksutovich   - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 707 554 80 10

By submitting for doctoral studies

Muidenova Aliya Kalzhanovna - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 771 693 76 47 , 8 701 477 35 76


Tleulu Al-Farabi Maratbekovich - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 747 673 06 46

Technical Secretary

Bulanbayeva Perizat Urunbasarova - Technical Secretary

Tel: +7 705 151 71 29


Serikbayev Erbol Alibekovich  - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 707 355 12 76


Seilbekov Abylaykhan Duysengazievich    - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 705 677 71 72


Amangeldy Zhanerke Berikovna   - Technical Secretary


Abdrazakova Almagul Umurzakovna    - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 777 656 92 87, 8 705 725 08 86 


Baimen Yerbolat Sauranbekovich     - Technical Secretary

Tel: +7 747 325 54 37


Azhigali Ainur Askarovna - Technical Secretary

Tel: 8 702 978 96 17


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