Advisor to the Rector on public relations +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Advisor to the Rector on public relations

Main job responsibilities:
Advisor to the Rector on Public Relations:
- On behalf of the first head, prepares information, references, abstracts and reports on certain operational and prospective issues of the organization's activities and, if necessary, engages the appropriate management apparatus for these purposes.
- Performs other assignments of the first head.
- Exercises control over the timely execution of orders, instructions and orders of the first head.
- Checks the compliance of draft orders and orders prepared in the organization, before approval with the first head, with documents of higher authorities, other regulatory legal acts.
- Requires from the heads of departments and responsible executors certificates and other materials necessary for the first head, as well as information on the execution of orders, orders and tasks of the first head.
- Keeps operational records of the passage of documents, fills out control cards for accounting orders, orders and other documents, as well as orders requiring control over their execution.
- Participates in the development of measures to improve document management systems and methods for controlling the passage of documents, technical controls.
- Participates in the preparation and holding of meetings convened by the management and organizes their servicing.
- Organizes reception of delegations, business visits and meetings.
- Participates in the work of the commission to control the implementation of plans and the organization of rhythmic work of the organization, in the development of measures to improve the production management system.
The Rector's Adviser on Public Relations is responsible for:
- Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Causing material damage - within the limits defined by the labor and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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