Information for first-year students +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Information for first-year students


Dear student, on this page we have collected all the necessary information to start an active student life.
We advise you to read everything carefully and, if necessary, complete each item. Good luck!


Registrar's Office
this is a department of the university aimed at helping students:oficeregistr.png


- control over the quality of training of students;

- tracking the contingent of students;

-organization and monitoring of the progress of intermediate controls, the test and examination session of students according to the established schedule;

- analysis of the indicators of the test and examination session, final certification;

- preparation and delivery of the transcript;

- preparation of a duplicate for diploma applications (public service);

- maintaining statistical reports on the contingent of students and preparing orders for the contingent of students;

- determination of the average passing score (GPA);

- organization and conduct of the final state certification;

- organization of the summer semester of students;

- preparation of diploma applications for graduates;

Activities of the Student Service Center:
- issuance of a certificate to students about studying at the university;
- transcript preparation;
- Obtaining certificates from the E-government portal E-gov.

How to contact?
- Send your application by email -   
- The fastest way to call 8 (7242) 27-28-49 
Platonus Korkyt-mobile application for students of Korkyt University:
- schedule of classes;
- evaluation;


Social network
korkyt_university - is the official Instagram account of Korkyt University, which publishes all relevant information about the life of the university.
korkyt_ata_university -  is an Instagram page that helps applicants learn more information about admission to Korkyt Ata University.


Services available



Call center



МООK (Massive Open Online Lesson)

Megaproject Electronic Library



Science Library
