Appazov Nurbol Orynbasaruly
- Function: Professor
In 2002 he graduated from Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata. In 2003 he was awarded the academic degree of master, in 2009 the degree of candidate of sciences.
He began his career as a chemistry teacher at the Bolashak Lyceum (2002).
In 2003, a laboratory chemist at Dostyk Oil LTD LLP;
In 2003-2004 teacher of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata;
In 2004-2006 Postgraduate student in the specialty "Organic Chemistry" at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi;
In 2006-2009 junior researcher at the Research Institute of New Chemical Technologies and Materials of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, engineer at the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturova, teacher at the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical University, chemist at JV Coca-Cola Almaty Bottlers LLP;
In 2009-2020 researcher, senior researcher, head of the laboratory, senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the department, professor, director of the institute, acting Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata;
In 2020-2021 Deputy Chairman of the Board, Acting Chairman of the Board of LLP "KazNII of rice production named after I. Zhakhaev";
Since 2021, Professor of the Department of "Engineering Technologies" and Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Engineering Profile "Physical and Chemical Methods of Analysis" of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata.
Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata, specialty "Chemistry" (1998-2002);
Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata, master's degree in Chemical Technology (2002-2003);
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, postgraduate study in the specialty "Organic Chemistry" (2004-2006);
University "Narxoz", specialty "Management" (2017-2020).
Areas of study:
Organic synthesis, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, petrochemical synthesis.
Processing of industrial and agricultural waste into useful products.
Published works (last 6 years, 2018-2023):
Yespanova I.D., Zhusupova L.A., Tapalova A.S., Appazov N.O. Microwave activation of addition of 1-hexene and butanoic acid reaction. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии. – 2018. - №1(427). С.63-69.
Omarov Ye., Zhapparbergenov R.U., Turmanov R.A., Syzdykbayev M.I., Saduakaskyzy K., Appazov N.O. Obtaining palladium nanoparticles and their application as catalyst in hydrogenation of vegetable oil. Химический журнал Казахстана. 2018. №1(61).С.128-
Акылбеков Н.И., Омирзакова М.Б., Ыбыраева А.Ж., Ермуханбетова А.Т., Аппазов Н.О. Исследование состава и свойств нефти Кумкольского месторождения. Вестник технологического университета. – 2018. – Т.21. №3. С.32-35.
Акылбеков Н.И., Турманов Р.А., Ермуханбетова А.Т., Омирзакова М.Б., Ыбыраева А.Ж., Аппазов Н.О. Окисление толуола в присутствии ацетата марганца. Вестник технологического университета. – 2018. – Т.21. №3. С.44-46.
Жұбатырова Т.Қ., Асқарова Г.Ш., Аппазов Н.О. Этил спиртінің мотор отыны қасиетіне әсері. Вестник НИА РК. 2018. -№3. С.59-63.
Bainazarova S.R., Diyarova B.M., Lygina O., Shuragaziyeva A.T., Tapalova A.S., Zhusupova L.A., Appazov N.O. Processing of rice wastes into activated carbon. Химический журнал Казахстана. 2018. №4(64). С.259-263.
Ibadullaeva S.Zh., Fomkina M.G., Appazov N.O., Zhusupova L.A. Development of a biosensor of urea with the application of polymer technologies for blood and urine analysis. Известия НАН РК. Серия биологическая и медицинская. – 2018. - №6(330). С.5-12.
Байназарова С.Р., Любчик А.И., Жусупбек У.А., Шурагазиева А.Т., Аппазов Н.О. Получение активированного угля из рисовой шелухи и соломы. Вестник НИА РК. 2019. -№1. С.76-80.
Жаксылыкова Г.Ж., Аппазов Н.О., Кудайбергенов Н.Ж., Асан Н.Е. Карбонилирование α-олефинов моноксидом углерода и спиртами в присутствии фосфиновых комплексов палладия. Химический журнал Казахстана. 2019. №2(66). С.134-140.
Ягольник Е.А., Фомкина М.Г., Замятина Е.А., Аппазов Н.О., Ибадуллаева С.Ж., Ким Ю.А. Полиэлектролитные микрокапсулы с инкапсулированной уреазой: измерение рН среды гидрофобным флуоресцентным зондом. Известия Тульского государственного университета. Естественные науки. 2019. №2. С. 3-14.
Смолобочкин А.В., Ризбаева Т.С., Газизов А.С., Воронина Ю.К., Чугунова Е.А., Акылбеков Н.И., Аппазов Н.О., Бурилов А.Р., Пудовик М.А. Синтез 2-(пирролидин-1-ил)пиримидинов взаимодействием N-(4,4-диэтоксибутил)пиримидин-2-амина с (гетеро)ароматическими С-нуклеофилами. Химия гетероциклических соединений. 2019. Т.55. № 6. С. 523-528.
Smolobochkin A.V., Rizbayeva T.S., Gazizov A.S., Voronina J.K., Chugunova E.A., Akylbekov N.I., Appazov N.O., Burilov A.R., Pudovik M.A. Synthesis of 2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyrimidines by reactions of N-(4,4-diethoxybutyl)pyrimidin-2-amine with (hetero)aromatic C-nucleophiles. Chemistry of heterociclyc compounds. V.55. № 6. P. 523-528. Импакт-фактор JCR 1.277, Q4 SCIE.
Ибадуллаева С.Ж., Аппазов Н.О., Тараховский Ю.С., Замятина Е.А., Фомкина М.Г., Ким Ю.А. Амперометрические мультиферментные биосенсоры: разработки и применение (краткий обзор). Биофизика. 2019. Т.64. №5. С.849-862.
Акылбеков Н.И., Чугунова Е.А, Аппазов Н.О., Махрус Е.М., Бурилов А.Р., Жаппарбергенов Р.У., Нарманова Р.А. Синтез и свойства первого представителя третичного фениламмониевого производного 6-хлоро-5-нитробензо[С][1,2,5]оксадиазол 1-оксида. Вестник КГУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2019. №1(52). С.8-11.
Аппазов Н.О., Базарбаев Б.М., Диярова Б.М., Лыгина О.С., Шурагазиева А.Т., Акылбеков Н.И. Получение активированного угля со-термолизом рисовой соломы и нефтешлама. Химический журнал Казахстана. 2019. №4(68). С.46-51.
Аппазов Н.О., Турманов Р.А., Жаппарбергенов Р.У., Диярова Б.М., Лыгина О.С., Шурагазиева А.Т., Акылбеков Н.И. Получение активированного угля со-термолизом рисовой шелухи и нефтешлама. Химический журнал Казахстана. 2019. №4(68). С.77-83.
Смолобочкин А.В., Турманов Р.А., Газизов А.С., Аппазов Н.О., Бурилов А.Р., Пудовик М.А. Синтез 2-(дифенилфосфорил)пирролидин-1-карбоксамидов на основе реакции 1-(4,4-диэтоксибутил)мочевин с дифенилхлорфосфином. Журнал общей химии. Т.89. №10. С.1606-1610.
Smolobochkin A.V., Turmanov R.A., Gazizov A.S., Appazov N.O., Burilov A.R., Pudovik M.A. Synthesis of 2-(Diphenylphosphoryl)pyrrolidine-1-carboxamides Based on the Reaction of 1-(4,4-Diethoxybutyl)ureas with Diphenyl Chlorophosphine. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2019, Vol. 89, No. 10, pp. 2143–2146. Импакт-фактор JCR 0.868, Q4 SCIE.
Sergiy Lyubchyk, Olesia Shapovalova, Olena Lygina, Maria Conceiçao Oliveira, Nurbol Appazov, Andriy Lyubchyk, Adilia Januario Charmier, Svetlana Lyubchik, Armando J. L. Pombeiro. Integrated Green Chemical Approach to the Medicinal Plant Carpobrotus edulis Scientific reports. (2019) 9:18171 | Импакт-фактор JCR 4.38, Q1 SCIE.
Ibadullaeva S.Zh., Appazov N.O., Tarahovsky E.A., Zamyatina E.A., Fomkina M.G., Kim Yu.A. Amperometric multi-enzyme biosensors: development and application, a short review. 2019. Vol. 64. №5. P.696-707.
Appazov N.O., Lygina O.S., Bazarbayev B.M., Shuragaziyeva A.T., Akylbekov N.I. Obtaining activated carbon by co-termolysis of rice straw and oil sludge. Вестник КГУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2019. №2(53). С.35-38.
Appazov N.O., Lyubchik A.I., Tazhimbetova U.U., Baishylykova A.B., Akylbekov N.I. Application of microwave irradiation for producing amorphous silicon dioxide from rice husk. Вестник КГУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2019. №2(53). С.43-46.
Чугунова Е.А., Самсонов В.А., Акылбеков Н.И., Волошина А.Д., Кулик Н.В., Зуева И.В., Зобов В.В., Аппазов Н.О., Бурилов А.Р. Биологическая активность новых производных гетероциклических N-оксидов. Вестник КГУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2019. №2(53). С.53-61.
Ягольник Е.А., Аппазов Н.О., Ибадуллаева С.Ж., Ким Ю.А. Разработки и характеристики биферментных амперометрических биосенсоров глюкозы. Мини-обзор. Известия Тульского государственного университета. Естественные науки. 2020. №2. С. 12-25.
Аппазов Н.О., Базарбаев Б.М., Акылбеков Н.И., Жаппарбергенов Р.У., Канжар С.А., Диярова Б.М. Получение качественного сорбента из отходов риса и нефтешлама. Нефть и газ. 2020. №3-4 (117-118). С.169-179.
Bukharov S.V., Khabibullina R.A., Akylbekov N.I., Litvinov I.A., Lodochnikova O.A., Dobrynin A.B., Appazov N.O., Zhapparbergenov R.U., Zhusupova L.A., Burilov A.R., Krutov I.A., Gavrilova E.L. Реакции производных гидразидов фосфорилуксусной кислоты с 3,5-ди-трет-бутил-4-гидроксибензилацетатом. Вестник КГУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2020. №1(54). С.104-
Bisenov K.A., Narmanova R.A., Appazov N.O. Physical and chemical studies of the oil sludge hydrocarbon composition and the prospects for their use in the technology of expanded clay production. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии. – 2020. - №5(443). С.28-37.
Narmanova R.A., Bishimbayev V.K., Tapalova A.S., Appazov N.O. Polymer additive effect on the structural and mechanical properties of the organic part of oil bituminous rock. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии. – 2020. - №5(443). С.141-150.
Smolobochkin A.V., Turmanov R.A., Abdullaeva D.S., Gazizov A.S., Voronina J.K., Appazov N.O., Buzyurova D.N., Burilov A.R., Pudovik M.A. 2-(Het)aryl-N-phosphorylpyrrolidines via Cyclization of Phosphorus Acid Amides: A Regioselective Approach. Chemistry Select. 2020. – 5. – 12045-12050. Импакт-фактор JCR 2.109, Q3 SCIE.
Chugunova E., Gazizov A., Sazykina M., Akylbekov N., Gildebrant A., Sazykin I., Burilov A., Appazov N., Karchava Sh., Klimova M., Voloshina A., Sapunova A., Gumerova S., Khamatgalimov A., Gerasimova T., Dobrynin A., Gogoleva O., Gorshkov V. Design of Novel 4-Aminobenzofuroxans and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial and Anticancer Activity. International Journal of Molecular Sci. 2020, 21, 8292; Импакт-фактор JCR 5.924, Q1 SCIE.
Akylbekov N.I., Chugunova E.A., Appazov N.O., Zhapparbergenov R.U., Zharylkap Zh.T., Suiirbay S.Zh., Kanzhar S.A., Burilov A.R. Synthesis and properties of sodium salt benzofuroxane. Вестник КГУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2020. №2(55). С.108-
Appazov N.O., Bazarbayev B.M., Assylbekkyzy T., Diyarova B.M., Kanzhar S.A., Magauiya S., Zhapparbergenov R.U., Akylbekov N.I., Duisembekov B.A. Obtaining biochar from rice husk and straw. News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2021. – V.1. – №445. – P.66-74
Mezhevikina L.M., Reshetnikov D.A., Fomkina M.G., Appazov N.O., Ibadullayeva S.Zh., Fesenko E.E. Growth characteristics of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells at cultivation on synthetic polyelectrolyte nanofilms in vitro. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06517. 82% CiteScore Scopus.
Appazov N.O., Diyarova B.M., Bazarbayev B.M., Assylbekkyzy T., Kanzhar S.A., Dzhiembayev B.Zh. Rice straw and husk oil sludge for processing through the use of lignosulfonate as a binder with activated charcoal. News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2021. – V.2. – №446. – P.65-71
Аппазов Н.О., Диярова Б.М., Базарбаев Б.М., Асылбекқызы Т., Канжар С.А. Күріш сабаны мен мұнай шламын қосып өңдеу арқылы түйіршіктелген көмір адсорбентін алу. Нефть и газ. 2021. №1 (121). С.108-117
Аппазов Н.О., Диярова Б.М., Базарбаев Б.М., Асылбекқызы Т., Джиембаев Б.Ж. Күріш қалдығымен мұнай шламын бірге өңдеуде байланыстырушы крахмал негізінде брикеттелген белсендірілген көмір алу. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии. – 2021. - №3(447). С.6-12.
Chugunova E., Gazizov A., Islamov D., Burilov A., Tulesinova A., Kharlamov S., Syakaev V., Babaev V., Akylbekov N., Appazov N., Usachev K., Zhapparbergenov R. The reactivity of azidonitrobenzofuroxans towards 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds: unexpected formation of amino derivative via the regitz diazo transfer and tautomerism study. International Journal of Molecular Sci. 2021, 22, 9646; Импакт-фактор JCR 5.924, Q1 SCIE
Appazov N., Diyarova B., Turmanov R., Zhapparbergenov R., Lygina O., Tapalova A., Saduakaskyzy K., Dzhiembaev B. Processing of rice husk and straw into activated carbon. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 53, Issue 3 (pp. 265 - 268) 2021;; 20% CiteScore Scopus.
Ибадуллаева С.Ж., Аппазов Н.О., Тапалова А.С., Жусупова Л.А., Акылбеков Н.И. Сравнительная функциональная активность свободной и иммобилизованной глюкозооксидазы на биочувствительном покрытии. Вестник КУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2021. №4(59). С.102-
Akhmetov, L.I.; Puntus, I.F.; Narmanova, R.A.; Appazov, N.O.; Funtikova, T.V.; Regepova, A.A.; Filonov, A.E. Recent Advances in Creating Biopreparations to Fight Oil Spills in Soil Ecosystems in Sharply Continental Climate of Republic of Kazakhstan. Processes 2022, 10, 549. Импакт-фактор JCR 2.847, Q3 SCIE
Doroshkevich, A.S.; Lyubchyk, A.I.; Oksengendler, B.L.; Zelenyak, T.Y.; Appazov, N.O.; Kirillov, A.K.; Vasilenko, T.A.; Tatarinova, A.A.; Gorban, O.O.; Bodnarchuk, V.I.; et al. Electric Energy Storage Effect in Hydrated ZrO2-Nanostructured System. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1783. 80% CiteScore Scopus
Appazov N., Diyarova B., Bazarbayev B.M., Lygina O., Dzhiembaev B. Obtaining granular activated carbon using a binder gelatin in the joint processing of rice and oil waste. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 53, Issue 3 (pp. 265 - 268) 2021; 20% CiteScore Scopus.
Велямов Ш.М., Велямов М.Т., Аппазов Н.О., Курасова Л.А., Берік А.Б., Макеева Р.К. Актуальность переработки продукции пчеловодства для Республики Казахстан с целью расширения ассортимента функциональных фитонапитков. Вестник Кызылординского университета им. Коркыт Ата. 2022. №3(62). С. 302- 10.52081/bkaku.2022.v62.i3.105.
Аппазов Н.О., Еспанова И.Д., Ниязова Д.Ж., Молданазар А.А., Жаппарбергенов Р.У., Сулейменов Н.С. Переработка рисовой соломы в целлюлозу. Вестник КУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2022. №3(62). С.35-
Аппазов Н.О., Диярова Б., Базарбаев Б., Джиембаев Б., Лыгина О. Күріш қалдығымен мұнайшламын бірге өңдеуде ұнды қосу арқылы түйіршіктелген белсендірілген көмір алу. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии. 2022. №3(452). С.17-25.
Sennikova V.V., Zalaltdinova A.V., Sadykova Y.M., Khamatgalimov A.R., Gazizov A.S., Voloshina A.D., Lyubina A.P., Amerhanova S.K., Voronina J.K., Chugunova E.A., Appazov N.O., Burilov A.R., Pudovik M.A. Diastereoselective Synthesis of Novel Spiro-Phosphacoumarins and Evaluation of Their Anti-Cancer Activity. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2022, 23, 14348;
Chugunova E., MatveevaV. , Tulesinova A., Iskanderov E., Akylbekov N., Dobrynin A., Khamatgalimov A., Appazov N., Boltayeva L., Duisembekov B., Zhanakov M., Aleksandrova Y., Sashenkova T., Klimanova E., Allayarova U., Balakina A., Mishchenko D., Burilov A., Neganova M. Water-Soluble Salts Based on Benzofuroxan Derivatives-Synthesis and Biological Activity. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2022, 23, 14902;
Аппазов Н.О., Молданазар А.А., Бекхожаев М.Ғ., Тұрымбетова Ж.Т., Өмірзақ Ж.М. Изовалериан қышқылы моноглицеридінің синтезін микротолқынды белсендіру және оның микробқа қарсы белсенділігі. Вестник КУ им. Коркыт Ата. 2022. №4(63). С.20-27.
Funtikova T.V., Akhmetov L.I., Puntus I.F., Mikhailov P.A., Appazov N.O., Narmanova R.A., Filonov A.E., Solyanikova I.P. Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soil of the Republic of Kazakhstan Using a New Biopreparation. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 522.
Chugunova E., Gibadullina E., Matylitsky K., Bazarbayev B., Neganova M., VolchoK., Rogachev A., Akylbekov N., Hoang Bao Tran Nguyen, Voloshina A., Lyubina A., Amerhanova S., Syakaev V., Burilov A., Appazov N., Zhanakov M., Leah Kuhn., Sinyashin O., Alabugin I. Diverse biological activity of benzofuroxan/sterically hindered phenols hybrids. Pharmaceuticals 2023, 16, 499.
Completed projects:
- As a leader (international program):
Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Program (2021-2025).
Customer: European commission.
Topic: Innovative water-soluble phytomaterial inhibitors for Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases prevention.
As a leader (domestic programs):
- Program: Grant funding for scientific research for 2012-2014.
Customer: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: New polyfunctional organophosphorus compounds based on heterocyclic ketones, search for biologically active substances.
- Program: Grant financing of projects for the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities for 2017-2019.
Customer: JSC "Science Fund".
Topic: Processing of oily waste using innovative technology.
- Program: Grant funding for scientific research for 2018-2020.
Customer: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: An innovative approach to the joint processing of solid and liquid waste into adsorbents for wastewater treatment.
- Program: Program-targeted funding for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2021-2023.
Customer: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: Development and improvement of integrated systems for the protection of fruits, vegetables, cereals, fodder, legumes and plant quarantine.
Action: Development of diversified and eco-friendly systems for the protection of fruit and vegetable crops from harmful organisms, depending on the growing area
- As a responsible executor (domestic programs):
Program: Implementation of initiative and risky research and development for 2010.
Customer: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: Development of an energy-saving and environmentally friendly technology for obtaining esters of carboxylic acids from olefin raw materials of oil refineries.
- Program: Grant funding for scientific research for 2012-2014.
Customer: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: Prospects for the use of extracts of the medicinal plant Camel thorn (Alhagi pseudoalhagi) in the prevention and treatment of the initial form of atherosclerosis.
- Program: Grant funding for scientific research for 2015-2017.
Customer: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: Development of a concept for monitoring oil-contaminated soils in the Aral Sea region and technologies for their purification using new biological products.
- Program: Grant funding for scientific research for 2018-2020.
Customer: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: Development of multienzyme biosensors based on polymeric nanomaterial. Production of an experimental sample of an analyzer device with polymeric enzyme sensors for the determination of two metabolites in biological fluids.
- Program: Grant funding for scientific research for 2021-2023. Customer: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topic: Development of the synthesis of practically useful esters of carboxylic acids under conditions of microwave irradiation
Advanced training and internship (main):
Internship at LLC "Analit" (St. Petersburg) to master the method and technique of performing measurements on a Shimadzu UV spectrophotometer and liquid chromatograph (December 9-15, 2009);
Advanced course on analytical instruments UV-1800, RF-5301, IR Prestige-21, High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Kyoto, Japan 25-28.01.2010;
Course "Scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis", Interactive Corporation JSC, Moscow representative office of Jeol LTD. 06/10/2011;
Advanced training course "Biotechnologies for protecting and cleaning the environment from pollution by oil and oil products" in the amount of 72 hours, 26.11-08.12.2012, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms. G.K.Skryabina, Pushchino, Russian Federation;
Advanced training course "Introduction to nanomaterials", Science and Technology Center "Horizon Tomorrow", Lisbon, Portugal, 18-30.12.2014;
Internship "Innovative Methods of Practice-Oriented Education at German Universities", Intamt International Academy of Management and Technology, Dusseldorf, Germany 25.05-03.06.2015;
Advanced training course "Green Chemistry and chemical engineering of porous materials research and development with following application for gases adsorption and storage", New University of Lisbon, 3-15.07.2017;
Advanced training course at the Novosibirsk National Research State University on the topic "High Performance Liquid Chromatography", 24-28.04.2017;
Internship at the St. Petersburg State Technical University on the topic "Modern methods of physical and chemical analysis", 22.05-02.06.2017;
Course "Improvement of management companies