Interethnic harmony and stability in modern Kazakhstan +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92
  • 18 February 2025
  • 228

Interethnic harmony and stability in modern Kazakhstan

The republican scientific and theoretical conference "Interethnic harmony and stability in modern Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, was held at Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.

The main purpose of the event is to evaluate the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, to emphasize its role in strengthening social harmony and interethnic unity, to discuss the goals set to support new initiatives and unite all sectors of society.




The conference was attended by member of the Board of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, Vice–Rector for Research and International Relations Mainura Buribayeva, Head of the Public Development Department of Kyzylorda region Ruslan Kayupov, head of the Center of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, head of the scientific expert group at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of Kyzylorda region Aitzhan Orazbakov, head of the Scientific Expert Council at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Aigul Sadvokasova, Public Association Turkish Ethnocultural Center "Akhyska" in Astana, member of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Asker Piriyev, Associate Professor at M.O.Auezov University of Applied Sciences, Deputy Head of the Scientific and expert group at the APK of Shymkent city, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Saipjamal Korganova, Chairman of the Council of Mothers under the APK of the region, deputy of the city Maslikhat, director of the Lyceum school No. 10 named after Y.Altynsarin, Candidate of Historical Sciences Aigul Musabayeva, Director of the Kyzylorda branch of the Russian Association of Kazakhstan Public Association Natalia Mishukova and scientists, teachers and students of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University, media representatives in online and offline formats.




It is worth noting that the conference has become a good platform for scientific reports and discussions, organization of events aimed at improving interethnic relations.

Media Center of Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University
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